
“DOGS do SPEAK, but only to those who know HOW TO LISTEN

 Orhan Pamuk

We all need a little help now and again.  Sometimes it's just difficult to work out why things are going wrong or why we cant get to the bottom of a problem.  This can cause huge stress, anxiety and frustration for all concerned.

Animal behaviour is just as complex as our human behaviour - with the added complexity that our dogs cant talk to us! Taking a holistic approach is key to successfully helping you to find  the right solution for your personal situation.  It is not possible to offer safe and effective advice without considering every aspect of you and your dogs lives, so behaviour consults and subsequent training plans are in depth and take time!  However you do not have to do the journey on your own, we can walk you through every step that you need help with.

Which service do you need to book?

You will need a behaviour consult for problem behaviours such as fearfulnessbarking and lunging at other dogs or people,  destructive or anxious behaviours when left alone, guarding food or toys or any aggressive behaviours. If your problem is general training, such as pulling on the lead or recall please see our training page.  If you are still unsure which behaviour package would suit you, or you're not sure if you need a behaviour consult or training one to one send us a message with some brief details on the contact form and we can direct you to the most appropriate service.  If you would like to chat your worries through before booking, you can opt for a triage appointment initially.  


  • Barking or lunging on lead
  • Chasing cars / small furries
  • Aggression towards other dogs / humans / children
  • Problems when left alone
  • Guarding items such as toys or food
  • Fearful of people / dogs / items
  • Repetitive behaviours eg. chasing shadows
  • Destructive behaviours
  • Paying attention to you (at home & when out)
  • Walking on a loose lead
  • Coming back when called
  • Settling
  • Jumping up 
  • General manners
  • Handling eg. towelling, grooming, nail trimming
  • Putting harnesses or collars on and off

The Behaviour Consultation


Booking:  Prior to booking a behaviour package we ask that you schedule a free 15 minute discovery call with our behaviourist.  This will allow us to assess your individual situation and ensure we recommend the most appropriate support for your needs. After this call we can send you all the information on the process along with links to book.  The link to book this free call can be found HERE

When you book your a behaviour consultation you will be asked to fill in a brief questionnaire about you, your family and your dog.  For all behaviour consultations you are required to give consent for your  vet to share your dog's clinical history.  It is important that we have a collaborative relationship with your vet as medical issues can play a huge part in behavioural problems, and behavioural problems can be the most obvious symptoms of medical problems!  We will keep your vet fully informed of our progress and recommendations so your dog's records can be updated.  

Worried about costs?

As your behaviour consultation will be veterinary referred and carried out by a fully Qualified and Accredited Clinical Animal Behaviourist it may be possible to claim the cost back from your pet insurance.  All policies are different so please check with your insurers.  We are happy to provide reports and complete any necessary paperwork at no extra charge.  If your pet is not insured and you are experiencing significant hardship we do offer a limited number of discounted consults for those who can show evidence of certain means-tested benefits.  Please let us know if you would like more details and if we are still not able to help we can signpost you to other reputable services.